Residence permit

Residence Permit In Turkey:

Turkey, which is the most hosting metropolises in the world, the junction point of the Asian and European continents, living 4 seasons at the same time, hosts a variety of cultural and social facilities, is one of the most preferred countries for living and investing by foreigners. Turkey has specified the duration of the visa or visa waiver which is 90 days are obliged to apply for a residence permit for foreigners for a longer period. According to Law No. 6458 Foreigners and International Protection, the residence permit is a document permitted to stay in Turkey. To get a residence permit, it is mandatory for foreigners who decided to settle in Turkey or will stay in Turkey for more than 90 days within 180 days. The application for a residence permit can be submitted through the e-ikamet system. Determined an appointment day automatically by the system for the foreigners who complete their application through the e-ikamet system. Foreigners should be present at the migration management directorate in the city which they chose due to the day of the appointment. The residence permit application must be submitted before the VISA legal period expired. Pay the penalties are required for applications that are not made on time. Also, if these penalties have not paid in time, Turkey entries may be banned from 1 year up to 5 years. You can easily apply or renew a residence permit through purchasing a real estate in Turkey without any price limitation. The foreigner, who owns real estate in Turkey, entitled to a residence permit with spouse and children (under 18 years old). Also, foreigners who are residence in Turkey for five years with legal residence permit, obtain the right to apply for Turkish citizenship (foreigners with other types of residence permit cannot have a right to citizenship).

Types of residence permits in Turkey:

Short-Term Residence Permit

According to Articles 31 to 33 of Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection, the short-term residence permit can be issued for a maximum of two years at a time and can be issued no more than twice. Foreigners who can apply for Short Term Residence Permit:

  • Foreigners who have a property in Turkey
  • Foreigners, who own real estate in Turkey, are able to apply for the residence permit, the real estate must be a residential property and must be used for this purpose. Also, the owner of the property can apply for a residence permit with his family. Foreigner, who are living in Turkey for 5 years with this type of residence permit, is obtaining the right to apply for Turkish citizenship after 5 years.
  • Foreigners who come to Turkey for purposes of scientific research
  • Foreigners who will establish commercial connections or businesses.
  • Foreigners who will participate in the in-service training program.
  • Foreigners who are coming for educational or similar purposes in the framework of student exchange programs agreement with the Republic of Turkey.
  • Foreigners staying for tourism purposes.
  • Foreigners who will be treated on condition that they do not carry one of the diseases considered as a threat to public health.
  • Foreigners, who should remain in Turkey depending on the demands and decisions of the judicial and administrative authorities.
  • Foreigners who will attend Turkish learning courses.
  • Foreigners who participate in internships and courses in Turkey through training, research, public institutions.
  • Foreigners completed their higher education in Turkey who apply within six months from the date of graduation.
  • Foreigners who not working in Turkey but will invest in scope and amount to be determined through the Council of Ministers.
  • Foreigners who are citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Family Residence Permit

According to articles 34-37 of the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection, the family residence permit was regulated. The family residence permit can be regulated to a foreign spouse, a minor, and a dependent child. In cases where the person requesting a family residence permit has more than one spouse, only one can be issued, but all children of the foreigner may be granted a family residence permit. Children can study until the age of 18 in primary and secondary education institutions with the family residence permit without the need for a student residence permit. The family residence permit is regulated each time not to exceed 3 years.

Student Residence Permit

According to Articles 38 to 41 of the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection, the student residence permit was regulated. A student residence permit can be arranged for foreigners who will have primary and secondary education without a family residence permit and who will study at the level of an associate degree, undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate, medical specialty training, specialty training in dentistry. Foreigners, who study in our country with a student residence permit, can apply for a family residence permit for their spouse and children. If the education period of the foreign student is less than one year, the residence permit period cannot exceed the education period.

Long Term Residence Permit

According to Articles 42 to 45 of the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection, the long-term residence permit was regulated. Foreigners, who remained in Turkey with a residence permit without interruption for at least 8 years, have not received any aid from the government last 3 years, will maintain their livelihood sufficient for months with income, and have valid health insurance, society and poses no threat to public safety, can apply for a long term residence permit. Also, refugees, conditional refugees, secondary protection holders, and humanitarian residence holders, and foreigners who are provided with temporary protection are entitled to transition to long-term residence permits. Foreigners who have a long-term residence permit can benefit from all the rights granted to Turkish citizens except for the obligation to do military service, the right to choose and be elected, to enter public office, to import vehicles exempted, and to social security rights excluding regulations in the private law.

Humanitarian Residence Permit

According to Articles 46 to 47 of Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection, humanitarian residence permit was regulated. According to these items, the right to apply for foreigners who violations of human rights, fleeing civil war, and who suffer from various human situations has been granted. The humanitarian residence permit can be regulated and extended for a maximum of one year. In a humanitarian residence permit, the conditions sought in other types of leave are not sought.

Residence permit for Victims of Human Trafficking

According to Articles 46 to 47 of Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection, residence permit for victims of human trafficking was regulated. According to these items, Foreigners who are victims of human trafficking or who have a strong suspicion that they may be, are given the right to apply for foreigners. These residence permits can be regulated by the governorships for thirty days, can be extended for a maximum of six months, and cannot exceed three years in total. In residence permits for victims of human trafficking, the conditions sought in other types of leave are not sought.

Required documents for the residence permit:

Foreigners must have the following conditions to apply for Short Term Residence Permit
  • To submit information and documents following the purpose of stay in Turkey
  • Not being in a position to impede the application (invalid passport, late application, etc.)
  • Having accommodation conditions following general health and safety standards
  • If requested, a document showing a criminal record issued by the competent authorities of the country of nationality
  • Address information to be resident in Turkey
Documents required for Short Term Residence Permit must be completed in full by foreigners and must be delivered completely by making sworn translation and notary approval. The Required documents are:
  • Residence Permit application form.
  • Passport, identity information, and processed pages’ original and photocopy (A passport with a validity of 60 days longer than the residence permit request is requested)
  • Birth certificate for all the family members, it should be original and attested by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish embassy.
  • 4 biometric photos (passport photo size)
  • Statement that has sufficient and regular financial means during stay (A minimum of 10,200 TL for a 1-year application, a minimum of 20,400 TL for a 2-year application, or a letter written by bank indicating that there is an equivalent amount of foreign currency)
  • Fully comprehensive health insurance or evidence your social security in your country that is available in Turkey.
  • Marriage certificate, it should be original and attested by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish embassy.
  • Insurance period must cover the period of residence permit required.
  • Originals and photocopies of land registry, TCIP or rental contracts.
  • Turkish tax number to pay fees in the tax office (You can visit for current fees)
  • Place of residence taken from the civil registry to specify the current address of residence in Turkey.
  • A file with a cover to hold all documents together.
Foreigners who do not have a residence permit in Turkey
  • cannot buy any motor vehicle
  • personal belongings, furniture, cars, etc. cannot import,
  • cannot register at the social security institution
  • cannot open a bank account
  • cannot establish a company

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